Using blockchain and NFT technology for a digital vaccination certificate

As countries all around the world begin to think about the implications of a post-COIVD world, one question that many are grappling with is how to effectively track an individual’s vaccine status while respecting their privacy.

It is likely that, in the future, you may require proof of vaccination to enter other countries, board airlines or cruises, enter large gatherings or venues, or as a requirement for some jobs. With this reality in mind, this seems like an excellent opportunity to showcase blockchain technology as a perfect fit for this type of project.

Others have seen the value in a blockchain-based vaccine passport, including San Marino, who recently approved its own blockchain based vaccination passport. This passport operates on the VeChain Thor blockchain, and was conceived in collaboration with DNV, a large multinational risk management and accreditation firm. This “Digital COVID Certificate” not only covers vaccination, but can also store records of past infection or negative rest results.

Each individual's vaccine passport contains two QR codes, one which “aligns with the European Union requirements and can be instantly verified by approved member states’ entities,” and a second which, and this is where it gets exciting, “is verifiable by anyone anywhere.”

So how exactly does it accomplish this? Well, when one scans the second QR code on an individual's vaccine passport, it directs them to a web app where the individual's certificate, in the form of an NFT (non-fungible token), can be verified. You don’t even need to download a specific app to be able to verify the certificate, as highlighted by Renator Grottola, the Global Director of Growth and Innovation at DNV:

The San Marino Digital Covid Certificate is an extremely portable certificate. Anyone can potentially verify a certificate without the need to download a specific app. The use of VeChain’s blockchain technology and, in particular non-fungible tokens (NFTs), makes it possible to increase confidence in the authenticity of the information, reducing the risk of counterfeiting.

This solution provides a high level of security, immutability, and accessibility, while complying with European Union standards. It is also easily accessible by anyone who may need to quickly check one’s vaccine status inside or outside of the EU, such as a concert venue, airline, or anyone that requires proof vaccination.

This project presents an exciting use case for NFTs as well, which have risen exponentially in popularity over the past year. According to Sunny Lu, CEO of VeChain:

Not long after we brought up the idea of enterprise NFT, Digital Covid Certificate presents a perfect case in this sector, which is also a new solution to help the government gain ground in the fight against COVID-19. Based on PoA consensus, VeChainThor public blockchain provides a well balanced infrastructure for the government, public and private sectors to work together to create a single, standardized verification system framework.

Future Implications

This exciting collaboration between the San Marino government, VeChain, and DNV can act as a pilot for future use cases related to digital IDs or a digital documentation verification system where one could store proof of property ownership or credentials. The vaccine passport concept could easily be modified for a seemingly infinite number of use cases.

Considering that this blockchain-based passport will hold private health information, which is governed by strict privacy regulations, this project could also help build confidence in the ability of blockchain-based applications to store any kind of sensitive information safely and securely. This could help open the door for future blockchain projects in health care, voting, identification, and more, all of which require a high level of security and privacy.

What do you think of a blockchain-based digital vaccine passport? What about the broader use cases for identification or document certification? Tweet us at @Crypto_Altruism, to help us create a safer crypto community.


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3-2-1 - Friday July 2, 2021