Web3 - the ultimate tool for community engagement and action

global network

Web3 technology is transforming the way communities interact and engage with each other. By leveraging decentralized networks, blockchain technology, and smart contracts, Web3 is making it easier for communities to come together, collaborate, raise funds, and take action.

In this article, we will explore the various ways in which Web3 can empower individuals and communities to organize. Specifically, we will highlight the core themes of:

  • Decentralized Governance: Web3 governance platforms such as DAOs make it easier for communities to come together and make decisions without worrying about corruption or bias.

  • Tokenized Communities: Web3 allows communities to create their own tokens, which can be used to incentivize members to contribute to the community. This creates a sense of ownership and belonging, which can lead to increased engagement and participation.

  • Decentralized Social Networks: Web3 social networks make it easier for communities to come together and share ideas without worrying about censorship, corporate influence, and misuse of personal data.

  • Innovating Fundraising: New Web3-enable fundraising tools make it easier for communities to raise funds to support important community priorities and initiatives.

Decentralized Governance Models

Decentralized governance allows communities to coordinate more effectively by eliminating centralized control and enabling individual members to have a direct say in decision-making processes. This empowers community members, fosters collaboration, and promotes transparency, resulting in a more engaged and active community working together to achieve common goals.

One of the most common ways that this is being done, is via DAOs, or Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. DAOs are organizations built on the blockchain that are governed by its members, without the need for centralized control or a traditional management hierarchy. It is built on blockchain technology, ensuring transparency, security, and decentralized decision-making. DAOs can be used for various purposes such as funding projects, making collective decisions, and managing resources within a community.

DAOs are typically governed by smart contracts, self-executing agreements with the terms of the contract directly written into programmable code, automatically facilitating, verifying, and enforcing the conditions of the contract on a blockchain network. By automating agreements and transactions, they eliminate the need for intermediaries and create trustless, transparent systems. This can lead to more efficient resource allocation, decision-making, and community-driven initiatives, ultimately empowering communities to take collective action like never before.

DAOs can be based on geography or based around a certain cause or passion. One example of a large, global DAO built around a specific cause is VitaDAO. VitaDAO is a community of scientists, funders, and community members interested in advancing research into human longevity. Anyone interested in human longevity can join VitaDAO by through ownership of $VITA tokens, enabling members to take part in community votes. Members can earn tokens by "contributing your skills as a working group member, providing research data or IP assets, or becoming a supporter enabling scientific research that could slow the biological effects of aging, and maximize our active, healthy years." To date, VitaDAO has deployed over $4M in funding to 17 different research projects, demonstrating the potential of DAOs as a powerful force for community action.


Tokenized Communities

In the era of Web3, tokenized communities are revolutionizing the way we coordinate and engage with one another. In fact, many DAOs, such as VitaDAO, would be considered tokenized communities, as the tokens grant individuals governance rights over the DAO. By providing a shared sense of ownership through the distribution of community-specific tokens, members are empowered to contribute to decision-making processes and actively participate in shaping the community's future. This innovative approach to engagement fosters a more transparent, decentralized, and collaborative environment that encourages collective action and strong ties among community members.

In the vibrant world of Web3, the Friends With Benefits (FWB) community is a prime example of a tokenized community. FWB is a decentralized social club that leverages the power of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology to create a unique space for its members. They are a social DAO with more than 4,000 members, including "artists, builders, and thinkers from across the crypto and cultural sectors." All members of FWB hold the $FWB token "as a way to collectively fund and govern our community endeavors and co-own what we create together".


Decentralized Social Networks

Decentralized social networks have the potential to revolutionize community coordination by removing gatekeepers and giving power back to the users. Through peer-to-peer connections, these networks enable communities to collaborate, share information, and make collective decisions without the interference of big tech companies or centralized authorities. This newfound autonomy fosters a more resilient, transparent, and engaged community, driven by the collective interests of its members. As a bonus, decentralized social networks are often open source, so users can know exactly how their personal data is handled.

One example of a decentralized social media platform is Diamond, which is built on the DeSo blockchain. Diamond is the only social media platform where all posts are stored on chain. It empowers creators and users with a unique token-based reward system. Users can invest in, engage with, and support their favorite creators by buying, holding, and selling their creator coins. This innovative approach to social media fosters a strong sense of community and encourages meaningful interactions between creators and their audiences.


Innovative Web3 Fundraising Tools

Web3 provides new tools for communities to raise funds to support projects and causes important to the community. With Web3 fundraising tools, communities can easily coordinate and pool resources for various projects or causes. This could include DAO community funds, where community members contribute funds to a treasury, and then vote on how the funds are allocated. Another example is Quadratic Funding, a Web3 matching mechanism for fundraising, which provides the most matching funds to the projects with the most widespread community support (based on the number of individuals who support the project), as opposed to those which raise the most overall funds.  For a deeper dive, check out our article on how Quadratic Funding is revolutionizing crowdfunding. Tools such as these empower individuals to contribute in a transparent and decentralized manner, ensuring that funds are managed effectively and allocated towards the intended goals. This not only encourages trust among community members, but also fosters a sense of belonging and shared responsibility for the collective success of their initiatives.



Overall, Web3 technology is making it easier for communities to come together, collaborate, and take action. By leveraging decentralized networks, blockchain technology, and smart contracts, Web3 is empowering communities to take control of their own destinies and shape the world around them. 

The future of community organizing is here...and it's decentralized!

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