Tips for Onboarding Impact Builders to Web3 - A Mini Comic Series

Confused person trying to learn about Web3

Let’s face it, Web3 can be pretty overwhelming, especially for those who are new to the space. There are many barriers that new impact builders may face when onboarding to Web3, including a lack of pre-existing network of support, confusion about the technology behind Web3, and of course, stigmas and misperceptions about Web3.

For Web3 to truly achieve its potential as a revolutionary tool for social impact, it will require adoption by diverse builders from around the world with varying skillsets. So, here are three simple tips for how you can help onboard new impact builders to Web3!

Tip #1 - Lead with the benefits, not the technology

When onboarding new builders to Web3, it is essential to begin the conversation by focusing on the benefits of Web3 technology, not the intricacies of the technology itself. Many new builders may feel intimidated by the technology, and tech lingo can be a big turn off for folks who don’t have a tech background.

Instead of diving into the complexities of blockchain, it can be helpful to start by focusing on the many benefits that Web3 technology can bring to impact projects including new funding mechanisms, MRV processes, decentralized governance tools, and much more. If you focus your conversation on these benefits, it is much more likely to win over new builders!

Tip #2 - Be a connector, not a gatekeeper

In conversations and surveys we have conducted with nonprofit leaders, one of the biggest challenges they face is simply not knowing where to start, and not having a pre-existing network that they can go to for support. As such, one of the most valuable things you can do for newcomers to Web3 is to help connect them to potential partners, communities of practice, and other impact projects whose mission aligns with theirs. It is much easier to onboard to Web3 when there is a community of support around you!

Tip #3 - Engage in honest discourse about concerns

There are plenty of stigmas, misperceptions, and valid concerns about Web3, and these present a real barrier for prospective builders. In fact, in a study we conducted of nonprofits interested in Web3, the number one barrier highlighted was concerns related to environmental impact and bad actors.

These are very real concerns, and it’s important to have honest discussions about them, even if you don’t necessarily agree. It can be valuable to acknowledge the concerns, and then present the positive side of the story, highlighting the great work being done in the space to address the concerns.

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