Crypto Altruism Monthly Recap - June 2024

Crypto Altruism - Monthly Recap - June 2024 highlights from the Crypto Altruism blog and podcast

Trailblazers of Octant! 🔥

What a month! In addition to highlighting some incredible Web3 Changemakers on the podcast, we are honored to receive a 2.5 ETH grant from Octant’s Community Fund! The funds will support the development of a new podcast series, Trailblazers of Octant, which highlights the stories of Public Goods Builders in the Octant Ecosystem, as well as a series of articles highlighting Golem Foundation’s exciting projects.

A huge thank you to the Octant Grants Council for their support, and stay tuned for more information on this upcoming content series!

Most popular podcast episode of June

Episode 158 - Treegens - Decentralized, Permissionless Tree Planting with World Record Tree Planter Jimi Cohen

In episode 158, we welcome Jimi Cohen, Founder of Treegens, a platform where anyone can plant trees & get rewarded. He recently set a Guiness World Record for most trees planted in 24 hours by a single individual, with over 30,000! We discuss how Web3 can coordinate tree planters around the world, how blockchain can improve monitoring, reporting, and verification efforts, and more.

Most popular blog post of June

Five Reasons Scientists Should Embrace the Decentralized Science Movement

The decentralized science movement holds immense promise for transforming the research landscape by addressing some of the most pressing challenges faced by scientists today. By opening up new funding opportunities, ensuring fair IP ownership, opening up access to scientific data, and more, DeSci offers a more inclusive, transparent, and equitable model for scientific research.

Infographic of the Month: Blockchain Use Cases: Climate Change

ICYMI - Developing a Web3 Strategy for Your Nonprofit

Developing a Web3 Strategy for Your Nonprofit

Web3 presents unique opportunities for nonprofit’s looking to scale their impact. However, many nonprofits are still hesitant to engage in Web3 for a number of reasons including a limited understanding of the space, negative perceptions of Web3 fueled by bad actors, and not knowing where to start. So, in this article, we outline some of the steps you can take to begin engaging with Web3!

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Tips for Onboarding Impact Builders to Web3 - A Mini Comic Series


Crypto Altruism Podcast Episode 162 - LunCo - Decentralizing Space Exploration