INFOGRAPHIC: Six ways Web3 will improve education

Six ways Web3 will improve education

New Learning Mediums

Through the use of Web3 mediums like NFTs, play2earn games, and metaverse experiences, educators can create engaging new learning opportunities for students.

Decentralized Learning

Through the use of decentralized learning platforms, unnecessary intermediaries can be removed from the equation, lowering the cost of education and making it more accessible to all.

On-Chain Credentials

With on-chain credentials, students can maintain a verifiable record of their educational credentials, which are easily shareable with employers or other educational institutions.

Open Source Learning

Open Source is one of the pillars of Web3, resulting in the creation of plenty of high quality free content in the space, many of which is funded by open source Web3 grants and funding programs.

“Learn2Earn Models”

"Learn2Earn" models make use of tokens to reward and incentivize learners for engaging in educational activities, helping to gamify education and make the learning process more exciting.

Global Communities

The Web3 movement is truly global, presenting unique opportunities to engage in cross-cultural dialogue and peer-to-peer learning with individuals all around the world.

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