INFOGRAPHIC - Blockchain Use Cases: Climate Change

Incentivization Mechanisms

Innovative Web3 incentivization mechanisms, like token rewards and onchain recognition for positive climate action, will inspire a new generation of changemakers interested in regenerating the planet, and compensate those working on the front lines of climate change for their efforts.

Monitoring, Reporting, & Verification

By bringing climate data onchain with tools like impact certificates, attestations, tokenized impact, immutable records, or other blockchain MRV tools, it will help ensure transparency in climate efforts while giving NGOs, governments, researchers, and individuals access to verifiable data to assess the impact of their initiatives.

Community Coordination

Equipping communities with tools like DAOs and Web3 capital allocation mechanisms can help scale climate solutions by giving communities the tools to effectively coordinate their capital and talent. These tools can make it easier for diverse communities to coordinate across borders towards common goals.

Fundraising & Philanthropy

Crypto philanthropy and Web3 fundraising mechanisms provide new ways for NGOs, communities, and changemakers working on the front lines of climate change to raise funds in support of their causes. Crypto philanthropy and Web3 capital allocation tools give donors new ways to fund high impact initiatives around the world.

Building Climate Resilient Communities

Whether it’s using cryptocurrency to deliver funds directly to those impacted by climate change, leveraging blockchain’s immutable ledger to ensure access to high quality climate data, or implementing blockchain-based UBI or anticipatory aid initiatives, Web3 can help build climate resiliency in vulnerable communities.

Tokenized Real World Assets (RWAs)

Forests, renewable energy sources, regenerative farming projects, and other positive climate assets can be represented as tradable tokens. This can increase investment in these assets and incentivize conservation and regeneration efforts. Imagine buying a token representing ownership of a protected rainforest area.

Climate Asset Markets

Blockchain can help restore trust and transparency to carbon markets while facilitating the creation of markets for other environmental assets such as water or biodiversity credits. These markets can create financial incentives for reducing emissions and other sustainable actions, while giving individuals a new way to invest in climate action.

Sustainable & Transparent Supply Chains

Blockchain can help ensure the effective tracking of resources and goods throughout their lifecycle, ensuring sustainable sourcing and reducing the environmental impact of global supply chains. Imagine tracking the carbon footprint of a product such as coffee or a piece of clothing from its source to your doorstep.

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