Crypto Altruism Podcast Starter Pack - Web3 Water Solutions

Crypto Altruism Podcast Starter Pack - Web3 Water Solutions - MesoReef DAO, Atlantis DAO, Coral Tribe, WaterLab, Ecological Benefits Framework, Salty Sharks

In celebration of World Water Week 2024, in this podcast starter pack we’ve bundled together six episodes highlighting projects working at the intersection of blockchain and water solutions.

In episode 159, we’re excited to welcome Rodrigo Nuñez, Co-Founder of MesoReefDAO, a decentralized organization leveraging Web3 technology to scale coral reef conservation efforts in the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System. We discuss how Web3 mechanisms can help incentivize coral restoration efforts, partnering with local organizations as a DAO, the role of decentralized science in conservation efforts around the world, and much more!

In episode 154, we’re excited to welcome Avery Schwarz and Christian Chegne of Coral Tribe and ReFi Hub, a community of impact investors powering Web3 climate finance. We discuss how the tokenization of real-world assets can revolutionize climate finance, how Web3 can help coordinate communities around climate solutions, the growing Regenerative Finance movement, and much more.

In episode 141, we’re excited to welcome Irthu Suresh, CEO and Co-Founder of Atlantis DAO, a borderless co-op powering climate resilience and bioregional regeneration. We discuss why Web3 is a powerful tool for global coordination, the role of blockchain in advancing planetary regeneration, how we can enhance impact monitoring, reporting, and verification with blockchain, and much more.

In episode 139, we’re excited to welcome Aaron and Renée of WaterLab, a decentralized national water laboratory for the research and development of advanced desalination and regenerative water. We discuss the role Web3 can play in achieving water abundance, blockchain-based water credits, IP-NFTs, the exciting potential of the Decentralized Science movement, and much more.

In episode 125, we’re excited to welcome Douglas Gayeton, Chief Investigator at The Lexicon, a nonprofit that helps people pay closer attention to what they buy, how they live, and where their responsibility begins for creating a healthier and safer planet for all. We discuss their game changing Ecological Benefits Framework, the growing regenerative finance movement, and much more.

In episode 108, we’re excited to welcome Rob Keanalley, CEO at Aquatic Metaverse, a digital asset entertainment and education brand focused on marine life conservation, and also the company behind Salty Sharks. We discuss how Web3 tools can help engage global communities around important causes, using metaverse experiences to raise awareness and educate about marine conservation, why NFTs are a powerful force for social impact, and much more.

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