Crypto Altruism Podcast Episode 95 - TIMEPieces - NFTs, community-building, and social change art

In episode 95, we’re excited to welcome Jason Metz, Senior Web3 Strategist at TIME. Through their Web3 community initiative, TIMEPieces, they have released multiple NFT collections, and are using the power of Web3 to bring artists, collectors, and the community together. In this episode, we discuss how NFTs can help elevate history and culture, why Web3 as a powerful tool for uplifting activists and social change movements, how Web3 can help build community, and much more.

Three Key Takeaways

  • The spirit of Web3 is to move towards a more equitable system that aims to break down systemic societal structures that exist to pick winners and losers, and building a system that empowers everyone to rise to the top.

  • NFTs present new ways for individuals to preserve memories and experiences that matter to them, in ways that give them true ownership.

  • Whereas activists and changemakers have capitalized on Web2 platforms to grow their movements, Web3 empowers them with true ownership over their movements – giving them the tools and agency to engage others and create shared ownership in their cause.

Follow Jason and TIMEPieces

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Twitter - TIMEPieces

TIMEPieces Collections


TIMEPieces/Deepak Chopra Collection

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Episode Time Stamps

02:15 - What was your “Ah hah” moment that got you excited about cryptocurrency and web3 in the beginning?

06:35 - Can you please give listeners an introduction to TIMEPieces?

12:45 - The TIMEPieces website mentions how “TIMEPieces represents an important first step in TIME’s Web3 community strategy, enabling us to bring together artists, collectors and fans in a collaborative manner with the goal of building utility and community value over the long-term.” Why did TIME decide to start engaging with Web3?

19:20 - Tell me about the collections that have been launched by TIMEPieces so far?

23:20 - What role can NFTs and Web3 play in preserving history and culture?

26:50 - What are some of the most compelling use-cases you’ve seen?

32:00 - How can NFTs and Web3 elevate social change art and activist movements?

35:20 - What’s the best way for listeners to learn more about and get involved with TIMEPieces?

37:20 - To wrap things up, if you could name one thing that excites you most about the social impact potential of web3, what would it be and why?

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While we may discuss specific web3 projects or cryptocurrencies on this podcast, please do not take any of this as investment advice, and please make sure to do your own research on potential investment opportunities, or any opportunity. We host a variety of guests on this podcast with the sole purpose of highlighting the social impact use cases of this technology. That being said, Crypto Altruism does not endorse any of these projects, and we recognize that, since this is an emerging sector, some may be operating in regulatory grey areas, and as such, we cannot confirm their legality in the jurisdictions in which they operate, especially as it pertains to decentralized finance protocols. So, before getting involved with any project, it’s important that you do your own research and confirm the legality of the project. More available HERE.

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