Crypto Altruism Podcast Episode 165 - Zero Knowledge Proofs and the ‘Internet of True Things’

Crypto Altruism Podcast # 165 - Evan Shapiro - Co-Founder of Mino Protocol

In episode 165, we’re excited to welcome Evan Shapiro of Mina Foundation, a zero knowledge blockchain for a secure, private, and verifiable internet. We break down what the heck a zero knowledge proof is, why you should get excited about this emerging technology, and some of the most compelling social impact use cases of ZK proofs.

Three Key Takeaways

  • At their core, Zero Knowledge Proofs give individuals the ability to prove things about themselves, such as their credentials and identity, without needing to reveal private or sensitive information.

  • Mina Protocol envisions a future where ZK Proofs are layered on top of everything on the internet that could benefit from verification – whether it be social media posts, news articles, political advertisements, videos, etc. This will ultimately help create a much safer internet free from misinformation.

  • ZK Proofs can play a huge role in building safe digital spaces and institutions, where those participating can know, without a doubt, that everyone involved is who they say they are, and not a bot. This is increasingly important in the age of Artificial Intelligence.

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Episode Time Stamps

03:40 - What was your “Ah hah” moment that first got you excited about cryptocurrency and web3?

05:45 - To start things off, can you please give listeners a quick intro to the mission of Mina Protocol?

08:45 - For those who aren’t as familiar with Zero Knowledge Proofs, can you give an “Explain-it-like-I’m-5” of them?

11:40 - Do you mind giving an overview of what ZK Rollups are?

14:00 - You recently released an article called “Building an Internet of (True) Things with its ‘Proof of Everything’” that dives into the unique attributes of Mina. Can you give us an overview of what makes Mina protocol different from other ZK protocols?

20:20 - Now that we’ve covered the basics of ZK Proofs, let’s dive into some use cases! Over the past couple of years, there has been an increase in misinformation and deepfakes on social media. As we enter an election cycle in the US, this is only expected to increase. How can ZK proofs and Mina Protocol address this?

24:40 - Recently, there has been a lot of experimentation around decentralized identity solutions. What role can ZK proofs play in developing verifiable decentralized identity solutions?

29:35 - Another interesting use case is leveraging ZK proofs to run digital elections. Tell me more about this.

33:45 - I’d love to learn more about the ecosystem around Mina Protocol! Are there any promising projects that are building on Mina Protocol that you’d like to highlight?

36:55 - For builders who are interested in building on Mina – what resources and support are available?

39:15 - What’s the best way for listeners to get in touch and learn more about Mina Protocol?

40:35 - To wrap things up, if you could name one thing that excites you most about the social impact potential of web3, what would it be and why?

This episode was recorded on Zencastr!

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While we may discuss specific web3 projects or cryptocurrencies on this podcast, please do not take any of this as investment advice, and please make sure to do your own research on potential investment opportunities, or any opportunity. We host a variety of guests on this podcast with the sole purpose of highlighting the social impact use cases of this technology. That being said, Crypto Altruism does not endorse any of these projects, and we recognize that, since this is an emerging sector, some may be operating in regulatory grey areas, and as such, we cannot confirm their legality in the jurisdictions in which they operate, especially as it pertains to decentralized finance protocols. So, before getting involved with any project, it’s important that you do your own research and confirm the legality of the project. More available HERE.


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