Crypto Altruism Podcast Episode 161 - CHOICE - Leveraging Web3 primitives to advance LGBTQIA+ rights and build an inclusive world

Crypto Altruism Podcast #161 - Alexander Aleksashev-Arno, CEO & Founder of CHOICE

In episode 161, we’re excited to welcome Alexander Aleksashev-Arno, CEO & Founder of CHOICE, a decentralised community that stands for LGBTQIA+ rights and accelerates the culture of diversity, equity and inclusion through secure and immersive technologies. We discuss their Global Digital Pride campaign, the role of decentralization in empowering activists around the world, how Metaverses, NFTs, and other Web3 primitives can build a more inclusive Web3 & world, and much more.

Three Key Takeaways

  • Metaverses can be valuable tools to create safe spaces for LGBTQIA+ people around the world. The ability to choose how you share your identity on line, and the option to remain anonymous are helpful for individuals from regions that criminalize LGBTQIA+ communities. They can also help connect LGBTQIA+ people from around the world, and provide opportunities for them to celebrate their identity, especially for those who live in areas where it is unsafe to celebrate publicly.

  • NFTs can be a valuable way for traditionally underserved artists to bypass gatekeepers and middlemen, bring their art directly to the community, and connect with new audiences. It can also be a helpful fundraising tool for nonprofits and LGBTQIA+ audience, while giving artists a new medium to express themselves and celebrate their identities.

  • To build a more inclusive Web3, it’s important to start at the individual level by participating in inclusive spaces and communities like CHOICE, educating oneself on the challenges and barriers facing LGBTQIA+ communities, and ensuring diverse voices are represented at the table. By doing this, we can help embed the values of equity and inclusion into the foundation of Web3.

Follow Alex & CHOICE

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LinkedIn - Alexander

Twitter - CHOICE

LinkedIn - CHOICE



Episode Time Stamps

01:55 - What was your “Ah hah” moment that first got you excited about cryptocurrency and web3?

04:30 - To start things off, can you please give listeners a quick intro to the mission of CHOICE?

07:50 - Despite some great progress, there is still a long way to go in ensuring LGBTQIA+ human rights around the world. Do you mind giving listeners an intro to some of the challenges faced by the LGBTQIA+ community worldwide?

15:40 - A big focus of yours is on Metaverse experiences. How can Metaverses help connect people and drive inclusion?

19:05 - You have several rooms in Spatial where you host educational events – tell me more about these spaces and some of the events you’ve hosted.

23:00 - You recently launched the Global Digital Pride campaign – call you tell me more about the campaign?

27:35 - Another focus of yours is on supporting digital artists. How can digital art empower artists, especially those from traditionally underrepresented communities?

33:25 - How can decentralization and Web3 primitives help in the fight for LGBTQIA+ rights around the world?

37:50 - What are some of the steps the average individual can take to help make Web3 more inclusive and equitable?

42:20 - What’s the best way for listeners to get in touch and learn more about CHOICE?

43:25 - To wrap things up, if you could name one thing that excites you most about the social impact potential of web3, what would it be and why?

This episode was recorded on Zencastr!

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While we may discuss specific web3 projects or cryptocurrencies on this podcast, please do not take any of this as investment advice, and please make sure to do your own research on potential investment opportunities, or any opportunity. We host a variety of guests on this podcast with the sole purpose of highlighting the social impact use cases of this technology. That being said, Crypto Altruism does not endorse any of these projects, and we recognize that, since this is an emerging sector, some may be operating in regulatory grey areas, and as such, we cannot confirm their legality in the jurisdictions in which they operate, especially as it pertains to decentralized finance protocols. So, before getting involved with any project, it’s important that you do your own research and confirm the legality of the project. More available HERE.


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