Crypto Altruism Monthly Recap - April

New for April

We make a lot of lists…

At Crypto Altruism, we are consistently producing curated lists to highlight the amazing projects and collectives making use of blockchain for social impact. To ensure all these lists are captured in one place that is easily accessible, we have created a new Curated Lists page on our website.

Most popular blog post of April

5 DeSci projects disrupting scientific research and development

2021 was the year of decentralization, and this momentum has only increased into 2022. Not only have we seen incredible growth in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, but we’ve also seen the emergence of social impact DAOs, decentralized media platforms, decentralized VC funds, and more recently, the emergence of a new field – Decentralized Science, or DeSci.

For this blog post, we highlight 5 DeSci projects that are leading the way and positively disrupting scientific research and development

Most popular podcast episode of April

Episode 41 - Empowering non-profits and social enterprises with blockchain-based tools, Ft. Matt Rickard from & Blue Marble

In this episode, we welcome Matt Rickard, Co-Founder & COO of Task, a Stellar-based blockchain platform that helps social enterprises scale more effectively and TheBlueMarble, an eco-friendly NFT marketplace where creators can support social and environmental causes. We discuss the benefits of blockchain for non-profits and social enterprises, using tokens to drive social impact, and some of the use cases of Task and TheBlueMarble, including supporting wildlife conservation and smallholder farmers.

Infographic of the Month - DeFi, ReFi, and DeSci

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Crypto Altruism Podcast Episode 49 - Approaching 50 – A recap of the key themes from the first 49 episodes, and the path ahead for the Crypto Altruism podcast!


Three Indigenous-led NFT Projects elevating Indigenous art and culture