3-2-1 - Friday June 25, 2021

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3 - Inspiring crypto/blockchain quotes

“We believe that the next wave of computing innovation will be driven by crypto. We are radically optimistic about crypto’s potential to restore trust and enable new kinds of governance where communities collectively make important decisions about how networks evolve, what behaviors are permitted, and how economic benefits are distributed.”

Chris Dixon, Katie Haun, Ali Yahya, Partners, a16z

“Bitcoin converts every mobile phone into a bank.”

Michael Saylor, Founder and CEO, MicroStrategy

“The blockchain symbolizes a shift in power from the centers to the edges of the networks.” 

William Mougayar, Chair, Kin Foundation

2 - Reflections from this week’s blog posts

Inclusion – Throughout my research into blockchain use cases and inspirational projects using blockchain to make the world a better place, I’ve been inspired by the inclusion that exists in the crypto/blockchain space. Maybe it has something to do with the idea of decentralization and open sourcing that is at the core of blockchain, or maybe it’s because it is a relatively new space, but there are few other sectors where there is so much openness, dialogue, collaboration, and a willingness to ‘evangelize’ and help introduce and welcome new people to the space. This leads to my next reflection for this week…

Knowledge – If you put in the time and effort, it is so easy to build your knowledge in this space, because there are so many free resources including courses, e-books, blogs, podcasts, and video channels you can follow. Building off the reflection on inclusion above, so many people are working so hard to spread knowledge to others in a way that is accessible and inclusive. This is what makes the blockchain and crypto community so special, their interest in advancing the technology for the common good.

1 - Quality educational resource 

Blockchain Council

Blockchain Council is “an authoritative group of subject experts and enthusiasts who are evangelizing the Blockchain Research and Development, Use Cases and Products and Knowledge for a better world.” They offer a series of certifications, online trainings, articles, and e-books, including a free Blockchain for Beginners E-Book. Kudos to Blockchain Council for helping make the world a better place through the use of blockchain!


Using blockchain technology to support data collection related to the opioid epidemic


5 free online blockchain courses provided by reputable institutions