20 web3 projects focusing on the environment, sustainability, and conservation

Traditionally, web3 has gotten a bad rap when it comes to the environment. This is largely due to the energy intensity of Bitcoin and Ether mining. However, the web3 ecosystem is extremely diverse, and there are many projects and collectives with a focus on the environment that are taking tangible action to support regenerative projects and combat climate change.

For this blog post, we highlight 20 of these innovative mission-driven web3 projects focusing on the environment, climate change, conservation, and ReFi. What did we miss? Shoot us a message via Twitter!


1. Celo Climate CollectiveThe Celo Climate Collective is a coalition of organizations “working at the intersections of web3 and climate action.” The aim is to build the capacity for regenerative applications on the Celo blockchain, and to ultimately back Celo stablecoins with tokenized natural assets.


2. ClimateDAO – ClimateDAO, like many social impact DAOs, is focused on combatting climate change. However, they take a much different approach by focusing on activist investing as a means to enact social change. They aim to pool together money from contributors and use the funds to purchase shares in publicly traded companies, and use these positions to enact strategic change in the companies through proxy voting, initiating shareholder proposals, and advocacy.


3. Crypto Coral Tribe – Crypto Coral Tribe is a collection of 6565 NFTs, and a community “leveraging art and technology to drive marine and wildlife conservation.” This includes using proceeds from their first pledge to plant 3000 corals across three continents.


4. TreejerTreejer Protocol, a project based out of Iran, is working to connect tree funders to rural planters all over the world. “The protocol uses blockchain-based smart contracts to receive funding for trees and redistribute it to planters and other stakeholders in a transparent way.”


5. ReverseThe RVRS token uses a percentage of proceeds from every transaction to support regenerative climate projects. To date, they have supported 13 projects working in the areas of water conservation, biodiversity, climate education, supporting bees, water pollution, soil restoration, tree planting, and sequestering carbon.


6. Blockchain for Climate FoundationBlockchain for Climate Foundation aims to “put the Paris Agreement on the Blockchain” by “Connecting the National Carbon Accounts of the world to enable cross-border collaboration in emissions reductions.” According to their Founder, Joseph Pallant, “By building a secure, transparent mechanism that incentivizes emissions reductions anywhere in the world, we can drive net global emissions down farther, faster, and give ourselves a fighting chance to beat climate change.”

7. KlimaDAO - Klima DAO is building a carbon-backed digital currency, with each token backed by one tonne of verified, tokenized carbon reduction or removal. “Klima DAO’s goal is to accelerate the price appreciation of carbon assets. A high price for carbon forces companies and economies to adapt more quickly to the realities of climate change, and makes low-carbon technologies and carbon-removal projects more profitable.”


8. PlastiksPlastiks is an NFT marketplace that aims to be the “bridge between plastic producers and recyclers. “The Plastiks marketplace uses a smart contract approach to merge NFTs with real recycling data from waste management companies from around the world, setting a new standard for compensation, traceability, and recovery of plastic production.”


9.ConservatioNFTIn partnership with wildlife organizations, ConservatioNFT creates NFTs that are used to fund conservation efforts around the world. Over half of the revenue generated from sales goes towards wildlife organizations.


10. EcoLabs EcoLabs is “A community of creatives working at the cross-section of sustainability, art, and technology”. EcoLabs produces creative project about environmental sustainability that are sold on-chain as NFTs, and in the physical world. Some of their projects to date have included the Phoney Plants NFT project, and The World After Us short documentary

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11. Blockchain and Climate InstituteThe Blockchain and Climate Institute focuses on a wide-array of activities including advocacy and research, and acts as a law firm and chamber of commerce. “Our mission is to raise awareness among the international climate change policy community of the tremendous potential of Blockchain technology to considerably enhance climate actions.”


12. All for Climate DAOAll for Climate DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization which supports collectives and projects that support the climate. According to their website, “Some of us organize marches for the climate, others start community gardens, plant trees, reclaim old airports, the public space, make movies, make art. Some create mutual aid funds to help their community after a natural disaster, others build software or develop new protocols...We are all hummingbirds doing our part and we are coming together as a DAO to support each other.”


13. SolTreez – SolTreez is a collection of 4,245 Tree NFTs, with the goal of using NFTs to support tree planting. For ever Soltreez transaction, 10 real trees are planted in partnership with their charitable partner One Tree Planted. In total, the goal is to plant 100,000 trees through the sale of their NFTs.

14. ReFi DAOReFi DAO aims to “scale meaningful climate action with web3” by highlighting innovative web3 projects with a focus on climate action, and by building capacity in the space through the facilitation of conversations about ReFi.


15. EarthFundEarthFund is a DAO governed by the 1Earth utility token, that organizes a decentralized community looking to tackle humanities biggest problems. The platform enables token holders to vote for and crowdfund “world-changing projects” such as the EarthFund Carbon capture project.


16. KRebels - Krebels is a collection of 1,009 unique Koala-inspired NFTs with the goal of helping raise awareness and funds for the preservation of the Koala species. KRebels has pledged a percentage from the sale of each of their NFTs to support charities helping save Koala’s from extinction.


17. Crypto Climate AccordThe Crypto Climate Accord is a “private sector-led initiative for the entire crypto community focused on decarbonizing the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry in record time”. To date, more than 250 companies and individuals in crypto and finance, NGOs, and more, have joined the movement.


18. Toucan ProtocolToucan Protocol’s infrastructure “brings programmable carbon to Web3, unlocking its potential for a regenerative economy.” This includes the creation of tokenized carbon credits, which is the foundation for KlimaDAO’s carbon-backed currency.


19. Regen Network – Regen Network offers blockchain-based fintech solutions for ecological claims and data. “Using a distributed ledger and modern remote sensing technology, our team is creating new tools for how humanity relates to its environment.” Some of their offerings including tokenized carbon credits, a public ecological accounting system, and the Regen Registry, which “allows land stewards to sell their ecosystem services directly to buyers around the world.”


20. Climate Clouds – Climate Clouds is a collection of 8,888 NFTs with a focus on sustainability and combatting climate change. For every acquisition of a climate cloud, one tree is planted, and 20% of mint sales and 40% of royalties are donated to climate charity partners in perpetuity.

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